Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ladder Shelf- Love Hubbys Resourcefulness

So Nick was leaving work one day and happened to notice an old painters ladder out by the dumpster. Since we love the recycled yet old distressed look of the ladder it was soon in the back of Nicks car.  Nick sanded it down, got some of the old paint off it and now we have a new shelf!

(Sorry for the poor quality picture!)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Homemade Caramel Dip ((Amazing!))

So, as I often do, I was browsing Pinterest and came across an amazing recipe for homemade caramel dip.  Hubby is sort of a kid in the fact that he hates anything healthy.  So, I thought if I made this caramel dip maybe he would dip apples in it and that could be a (semi) healthy snack.  The dip turned out awesome!!

The caramel is super easy too.  All you need is:
3/4 cup of Brown Sugar
3/4 cup of Sugar
1/2 cup of Corn Syrup
1/3 cup of Butter
2/3 cup of Whipping Cream

Directions: In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients except for the whipping cream.  Heat for approx. 5 minutes until sugar and syrup mixture comes to a boil.  Once it has boiled, remove from the heat and let cool for about 5 minutes.  After it has cooled, stir in the whipping cream.  Once its all blended, pour it into a jar and cool in the fridge.  I used a pint size Ball Mason jar and it was just the right size.  

The caramel makes a perfect gift for coworkers.  I'm pairing a jar of it with an apple slicer for each of mine.  If they like it half as much as the Hubby then I'm in luck! 

Also, on Christmas Eve we are having a Hot Chocolate bar for the family and I'll be putting a jar of this out for them to stir into the hot chocolate.  Who doesn't love caramel and you can use it for some many things.
Now I'm going to settle into the couch with a bowl of dip and apples (that is if Nick left me any)....